Village Greens and Commons Landowners Register
Registering land as a village green or common
For information and guidance on registering land as a town or village green, or to find out about depositing a statement as a landowner to prevent this, please visit the GOV.UK website.
You can get the form to apply and deposit a statement as a landowner from the GOV.UK website - please return completed forms to the Commons Registration Officer.
You can get the form to apply to register land as a town or village green from the GOV.UK website - please return completed forms to the Commons Registration Officer.
Fees and Charges
The fee, if required, is payable with the application. We accept hand delivered and postal applications - please make cheques payable to West Berkshire Council. Unfortunately, we're not able to accept online applications sent by email.
All applications made to date can be viewed below, along with the Market Street Offices. Please contact the Commons Registration Officer to make an appointment.
. Alternatively, copies of applications can be seen free of charge at ourNotice of the application will be placed on-site (in the area that's subject to the application) for a period of sixty days.
About the Fees
West Berkshire Council is allowed by the Commons Act 2006 and regulations to charge a fee for village green applications.
The 15, 19 and Schedule 2 of the Commons Act 2006.
Landowners Register Applications
Correcting a Mistake in the Register
Section 19 (2)(a) of the Commons Act 2006 allows for applications and proposals to correct certain types of mistakes in the registers of common land and town and village greens in certain circumstances.
We can only correct registers where the registration authority has made a mistake when it made or amended an entry in the register. For example, if a boundary of a common was recorded in a way that was not shown on the original application, this could be corrected; but if the authority recorded all the information that was in the original application, it would not be the authority's mistake.
To apply to have a mistake corrected, you need to complete a CA10 application form and provide an ordnance survey map of the land at the correct scale (at least 1:10,560 for moorland and 1:2500 for other land). Please return applications to the Commons Register Officer.
There is no fee for this application.