Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Consultation - Responses in Representor Order (Q-R)
The responses received from each individual / organisation (arranged in alphabetical order) are available to view below. Please note that personal information has been redacted from the responses.
A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-L | M | N-O | P | S | T | U-V | W | Y
Quirk, Lesley (1335339) [70KB]
Quirk, Simon (1335365) [139KB]
Rapleys obo Lambourn Trainers Association (1335563) [3MB]
Read, Chris (1261983) [138KB]
Read, Paula (1334495) [40KB]
Reading Borough Council (1335046) [111KB]
Rectory Homes (127337) [849KB]
Reeves, Anthony (1334859) [69KB]
Relf, Helen (1265671) [82KB]
Rendall, Jacqui (1335306) [11KB]
Rendall, Neil SM (1270606) [118KB]
Renfrew, Kerry (1334614) [108KB]
Revell, Michael (1334902) [70KB]
Revell, Olivia (1334805) [66KB]
Reynolds, Debby (1258947) [701KB]
Richardson, Neil (32064) [63KB]
Ridgepoint Homes (1334651) [752KB]
Ridley-Day, Ed (1334732) [18KB]
Robertson, Peter (1335567) [44KB]
Romaine, Charles (1334608) [111KB]
Rowe, Jane (1263180) [149KB]
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (839741) [129KB]
RPS obo AWE (1102785) [5MB]
RPS obo Hamilton, Steve (1335277) [620KB]
RPS obo Zippos Circus (1334797) [17KB]
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