Local Plan Review Regulation 19 Consultation - Responses in Representor Order (W)
The responses received from each individual / organisation (arranged in alphabetical order) are available to view below. Please note that personal information has been redacted from the responses.
A | B | C | D | E-F | G | H | I-L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | Y
Wall, R (1334527) [98KB]
Walsingham Planning obo Muller Property Group (1335240) [662KB]
Walton, Andrew (1268703) [50KB]
Walton, Deborah (1269158) [50KB]
Walton, Kathy (1335299) [71KB]
Wastie, Kate & Harrison (1335279) [101KB]
Watson Stubbs, Emily (1335205) [152KB]
Watson Stubbs, Freddie (1335203) [136KB]
Watson, Ken & Rebecca (1335465) [46KB]
Wauchope, Francis (1334967) [94KB]
Way, Joelle (1333762) [44KB]
Webb, Marcus (1335195) [97KB]
Webb, Michael (1333329) [3MB]
Webber, Graham (1333601) [11KB]
Weedon, Chris (1335332) [114KB]
Weedon, Libby (1334934) [56KB]
Weedon, Peter (1259882) [56KB]
Weedon, Sam (1274747) [56KB]
Wells, Elaine (1335137) [13KB]
West Berkshire Council as landowner (1335104) [1MB]
West Berkshire Green Party (1335160) [27KB]
Weston, Paul (1261153) [50KB]
Weston, Sarah (1333892) [11KB]
Wey Planning obo Baker, Mr F & White, Mr P (1333435) [8MB]
White Peak obo Bloor Homes - Gorse Covert (339270) [5MB]
White Peak obo Bloor Homes - Sandleford East (339270) [2MB]
White, Deborah (1334504) [100KB]
Whitmore, Naomi (1335325) [99KB]
Wight, Erik (1335220) [51KB]
Wight, Martine (1335219) [45KB]
Wilcock, Bridget (1273546) [833KB]
Willett, Chris (1269448) [12KB]
Williams, Ingrid (1333258) [49KB]
Williams, Tim (1334788) [27KB]
Williams, Tim & Nicki (1334882) [59KB]
Willis, Angela (1335214) [14KB]
Wiltshire Council (1335161) [122KB]
Windridge, Helen & Whitford, Paul (1335236) [81KB]
Winter, Robert (1255305) [187KB]
Withers, Brian (1332989) [48KB]
Wokingham Borough Council (839738) [2MB]
Woodhead, Richard (1268676) [45KB]
Woodhouse, Gail (1335225) [202KB]
Woodhouse, Toby (1261134) [204KB]
Woodlanders Protection Group (1335448) [565KB]
Woods, Edward (1335330) [66KB]
Woods, Lesley H (1265538) [93KB]
Woolf Bond obo CEG (860819) [4MB]
Woolf Bond obo JPP Land Ltd (1138485) [4MB]
Woolf Bond obo Ms McElhinney (714817) [4MB]
Wright, John (1271957) [202KB]
Wright, Sue (1335118) [202KB]
WSP obo Charlie Parker (1142838) [656KB]
Wyatt, Margaret (1264296) [141KB]
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