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CL87 Thatcham - Notice of Proposal for CL87 Thatcham (Adobe pdf files) Word - Propsal Notice 29 06 2020 MS / 007262MS / 00583025 Street Notice/Website Notice 24 06 2020 Page 1 CL87 Thatcham 007262/CL87/001 COMMONS ACT 200...
Local Access Forum - Minutes Meeting September 2019 (Adobe pdf files) Minutes Sep 2019
CL87 Thatcham - Register Map (Adobe pdf files); COMMON LAND; CL87 THATCHAM; PLAN CL87 Thatcham - Register Map Proposal Plan for Deregistration of CL87 Thatcham
Local Access Forum Minutes Meeting May 2019 (Adobe pdf files) Minutes May 2019
31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue part 6 (Adobe pdf files) OF SECTION 31(6) HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 DOCUMENTS 31A Highways Act 1980 Register catalogue part 6 Section 31.6 Highways Act 1980 land in West Berkshire - ar...
Sports and Leisure Centres opening times, location, service status and other information about our Sports and Leisure Centres (including Northcroft Lido).
Terms and Conditions for Hire of Henwick Tennis Courts of hire of the Henwick Tennis Courts 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 In these conditions the following words shall have the meaning set out below: 1.2 "Th...
Parks, Playgrounds and Open Spaces on our award-winning parks and open spaces
Public Toilets are no longer responsible for the repair, maintenance or cleaning of any public toilets
Grants for Voluntary Organisations funding for voluntary sector organisations