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Children in entertainment: Body of Persons Approval (BOPA) Body of Persons Approval (where large numbers of children are taking part in a performance), criteria for applying, guidance on how to apply and the appli...
Children in entertainment: entertainment licence form and guidance on how to apply for an entertainment licence.
Children in entertainment: chaperoning law, a child performing or rehearsing for a public performance must be with their parent, carer, or a registered chaperone.
Children in employment: work permit you have a young person of compulsory school age working for you, you must make sure they have valid work permits (employment cards).
Children in employment about employer responsibilities and work permits for employing school-age children and young people.
Children in entertainment
Children in employment and entertainment permits and licenses - information and application forms for chaperones, parents, employers and children.
Care Concerns - Reporting a concern using a CQ1 Form (Adobe pdf files) care concerns however trivial, Any care concerns however trivial, should be reported using a CQ1 Form should be reported using a CQ1 form What is a CQ1 form...
Care Quality - CQ1 Procedure (Adobe pdf files) CQ1Procedure CQ1 Procedure Version No: 4 Issue Date: March 2019 Document Control Document Ref: CQ1 Procedure Date Created: 1/11/2015 Version: 4 Date ...
Care Quality - CQ1 Process Flowchart (Adobe pdf files) flowchart of decision points relating to the CQ1 form