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Sign up to Council Tax e-billing for a chance to win leisure centre passes've got 100 guest passes - each valid for two people - to give away courtesy of Everyone Active Sign up for Council Tax e-billing by the end of February and b...
Asking a Question at a Meeting to submit a question to be answered by West Berkshire Councillors at a public meeting.
Recycling collections out what you can recycle from the kerbside.
Draft Prohibition of Driving Order (2025) on Kings Road, Newbury (Ref:81664/1) advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Kings Road, Newbury.
Planning How to Pay for Future Adult Social Care Financial Advisors (IFA) and how they can help in planning how to pay for your care
Proposed nominations for the Local List of Heritage Assets (March 2024) your say.
Draft Waste Management Strategy 2025-2032 your say.
Recycling plastic pots, tubs and trays Berkshire Council is pleased to announce that residents can now add certain clean plastic pots, tubs, and trays to their kerbside recycling bags for collec...
Weekly List of Acknowledged Applications 31.07.23 (Adobe pdf files) List of Planning Applications - published: 31 July 2023 Members' End Date: 30 August 2023 Note for Members Under the terms of the delegation agreement, M...
WBC Validation Checklists - Consultation Cover Letter (Documents) Validation Checklists - Consultation Cover Letter