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Settlement Hierarchy Review Appendix 3: Audit Matrix & Settlement Scores (Adobe pdf files) 3: Audit Matrix and Settlement Scores Settlement boundaries Criteria score + extra 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 0-3 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 point > one key ...
Settlement Hierarchy Review Appendix 4: Review of settlement hierarchy tiers (Adobe pdf files) 4 – Settlement Hierarchy Review Topic Paper Review of Settlement Hierarchy Tiers Appendix 4: Review of Settlement Hierarchy Tiers 1. The Local Plan Rev...
Settlement Hierarchy Review Appendix 5: Qualitative assessment (Adobe pdf files) HIERARCHY REVIEW APPENDIX 5: QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT Settlement Hierarchy Review Appendix 5: Qualitative assessment Settlement Hierarchy Review Append...
Stratfield Mortimer NDP (June 2017) (Adobe pdf files) Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan June 2017 Cover photographs © Jason Smith Photography and Dara Portraits 2 Introductory Statement The Stratfi...
Neighbourhood Plan Submission Decision Notice (Adobe pdf files) February 2016 Cllr Mike Dennett Planning and Countryside Chairman Council Offices Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council Market Street Newbury Parish Council Off...
Neighbourhood Planning Comment Form (Documents) - Examination of Development Plan Documents in Local Development Frameworks Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan Representation Form Ref: (For official u...
Stratfield Mortimer NDP Decision Statement June 2017 (Adobe pdf files) MORTIMER NDP DECISION STATEMENT JUNE 2017 Stratfield Mortimer NDP Decision Statement June 2017 Stratfield Mortimer NDP Decision Statement June 2017
Stratfield Mortimer NDP Referendum Declaration of Result 22 June 2017 (Adobe pdf files) OF RESULT OF POLL West Berkshire Neighbourhood Planning Referendum I Nick Carter, being the Returning Officer at the above referendum held on Thursd...
Housing Site Allocations DPD - Habitats Regulations Assessment (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Local Plan Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document Submission Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report April 2016 1 West Berksh...
Housing Site Allocations DPD - Equalities Impact Assessment (Adobe pdf files) Impact Assessment for HSA DPD