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CD14.15 Arboricultural Impact Assessment 9219_AIA.004 Rev C (Adobe pdf files) - Arboricultural Impact Assessment 9219_AIA.004 Rev C
CD17.1 BS58372012 Trees in relation to d (Adobe pdf files) - BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - recommendations
CD17.2 BS3998.2010 Tree Work Recommendations (Adobe pdf files) - BS3998:2010 Tree work - Recommendations
CD17.3 - Woodland Trust (2019) Planning for Ancient Woodland Planners’ Manual for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees. (Adobe pdf files) - Woodland Trust (2019) Planning for Ancient Woodland Planners’ Manual for Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees.
CD17.4 According to Barrell Contrasting approaches to heritage trees (Adobe pdf files) - According to Barrell… Contrasting approaches to heritage trees
CD17.5 - Arboricultural Association - Root protection for veteran trees (Adobe pdf files) - Arboricultural Association Root protection for veteran trees
CD17.6 TPO 201.21.1016 Land at Sandleford Park Newtown Road Newtown Newbury (Adobe pdf files) - TPO 201/21/1016 – Land at Sandleford Park, Newtown Road, Newtown, Newbury
CD17.7 - Woodland Trust: What are ancient, veteran and other trees of special interest? November 2008 (Adobe pdf files) - Woodland Trust: What are ancient, veteran and other trees of special interest? November 2008
CD17.8 - West Berkshire Landscape Sensitivity Study: Potential Strategic Development Sites, WBC 2009. (Adobe pdf files) - West Berkshire Landscape Sensitivity Study: Potential Strategic Development Sites, WBC 2009.
CD17.9 Historic England Listing for the parkland Sandleford Priory, Greenham - 1000333 (Adobe pdf files) - Historic England Listing for the parkland Sandleford Priory, Greenham - 1000333