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West Berkshire Council awarded Active Travel funding for Stockcross Department for Transport has awarded West Berkshire Council a £280,000 Active Travel Funding Grant for walking and cycling improvements along the B4000 betw...
Economic Infrastructure elements supporting our local, regional and national economy
The Electoral Register about the full and edited registers of voters in West Berkshire.
Registering to vote and postal voting your name to the Register of Electors, voting by post or by proxy.
Review of polling districts and polling places sure voting is accessible, convenient and in suitable facilities.
Petitions out how to create and submit a petition to the council.
Data Protection and Freedom of Information and services relating to data protection, privacy notices and freedom of information, including requests.
About Freedom of Information (FOI) on the Freedom of Information requests process.
Individual Executive Member Decisions members of the Council's Executive (Portfolio Holders) to make certain decisions as individuals. These decisions still require a report to be written and pu...
Joint Public Protection Committee strategic direction and makes key decisions regarding the Joint Public Protection Service. This is a shared service, provided by Bracknell Forest Distr...