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Search results
Devolution within West Berkshire Marcus Franks talks about devolution in West Berkshire and what support is available to help town and parish councils carry out services and tasks in...
Hungerford Library the help of volunteers, the Hungerford Hub has turned into a thriving community resource, see more on this:
Public Rights of Way Maintenance the Highway Authority for West Berkshire, we are responsible for around 740 miles (1000km) of public rights of way. You can find out more about our responsib...
Almost 90% of children in West Berkshire get first choice of secondary school percentage of preferred secondary school allocations maintained
Wash Common Library 'Friends of Wash Common Library' group applied, through West Berkshire Council's Devolution Programme, to take over the running of their local library. The ...
View Maps of Public Rights of Way can view our (our unofficial working copy of the Definitive Map), for a more general view of the public rights of way in your area. The legal position and ...
Public Rights of Way Clearance closing a PROW, please use our online form:
Maintenance of PROW Furniture (Gates and Waymark Posts) are 1,100km of public rights of way (PROWs) in West Berkshire and hundreds of waymark posts and gates. We largely focus on waymarking the most used PROWs,...
Safeguarding individuals and workers safe Everyone has the right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstances. Safeguarding is about protecting chil...
Ramblers Work Party are a group of volunteers who inspect public rights of way, perform minor maintenance such as cutting back vegetation and replacing waypoints and installing...