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Licensing a Venue you would like to license your venue, you would become an Approved Premise to hold marriages and civil partnerships in West Berkshire. Approved Premises can...
Marriages and Civil Partnership Ceremonies and guidance about marriage and civil partnership ceremonies
Fostering Information Day Content (Adobe pdf files) about fostering Information Days
Working at an election to register your interest to work at an election.
icollege community governor vacancy (Adobe pdf files) COMMUNITY GOVERNOR VACANCY icollege community governor vacancy icollege community governor vacancy
ASC survey results (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Adult Social Care – Responses to Strategy Consultation Adult Social Care – Responses to Strategy Consultation Committee considering repor...
Community Champion Awards - 2023 Winners're delighted to announce our 2023 Community Champions.
Clerk to Governor Vacancy Theale (Adobe pdf files) TO GOVERNOR VACANCY THEALE Clerk to Governor Vacancy Theale Clerk to Governor Vacancy Theale
Governor Vacancy Streatley (Adobe pdf files) vacancy has arisen at Streatley C of E Primary School for a local authority governor on our governing board and we would welcome expressions of interest from ...
Clerk to Governor Vacancy Streatley (Adobe pdf files) TO GOVERNOR VACANCY STREATLEY Clerk to Governor Vacancy Streatley Clerk to Governor Vacancy Streatley