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Stratfield Mortimer NDP Information Statement (Adobe pdf files) Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan Information Statement 1. About this statement A referendum on the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Developme...
Stratfield Mortimer NDP Decision Statement (Adobe pdf files) Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan Regulation 18 Decision Statement – Proceeding to Referendum 1. Introduction 1.1. In accordance with the Town ...
Decision Statement Appendix E - Representations on the proposed officer recommendation (Adobe pdf files) E West Berkshire Council response to the consultation on the proposed officer recommendation that the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Pla...
Decision Statement Appendix C - Landscape Capacity Assessment of Potential Housing Sites at Stratfield Mortimer (Adobe pdf files) MORTIMER PARISH COUNCIL LANDSCAPE CAPACITY ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL HOUSING SITES AT STRATFIELD MORTIMER REPORT CONTENTS Section Page 1 Introduction 2...
Decision Statement Appendix D - possible ways forward for the DPI (Adobe pdf files) - Possible ways forward following the landscape study Summary The NDP Examiner recommended that the NDP should not progress to referendum because insufficie...
Decision Statement Appendix B - Modifications to the Stratfield Mortimer NDP (Adobe pdf files) of modifications to the Stratfield Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan Ref Page/Chapter/ Modification Justification Examiner Paragraph report number paragraph ...
Local Development Scheme (October 2015) (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Local Plan Local Development Scheme October 2015 West Berkshire Local Development Scheme Contents Summary 1. Explanation of the Local Development...
Notice of Stratfield Mortimer Referendum (Adobe pdf files) OF STRATFIELD MORTIMER REFERENDUM Notice of Stratfield Mortimer Referendum Notice of Stratfield Mortimer Referendum
Hermitage Neighbourhood Area Application Form (Adobe pdf files) NEIGHBOURHOOD AREA APPLICATION FORM Hermitage Neighbourhood Area Application Form Hermitage Neighbourhood Area Application Form
Housing Site Allocations DPD Adoption Statement (Adobe pdf files) and Country Planning, England Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 West Berkshire District Council Ho...