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Apply for an Older Person's Bus Pass pass, for those of eligible age, that entitles the holder to concessionary travel on off peak, local bus journeys in England.
Section 171 - Licence to Make a Temporary Excavation in the Public Highway online for a licence to make a temporary excavation in the public Highway
Apply for a Hoarding Licence for Hoarding - S.172 Licence
Apply for a Street Works Licence - Section 50 to put equipment connected with digging into a public road on the street
Apply to deposit building materials on the highway to Temporarily Deposit Building Materials on the Highway - S.171 Licence
Apply to renew your Bus Pass a renewal of your older person or disabled person's bus pass.
Report Speeding Traffic make your community safer by telling us about speeding traffic
Apply for a Disabled Person's Off-Peak Bus Pass pass for those who are physically disabled, have a learning difficulty or would be refused a driving licence on medical grounds.
WBC Streetworks Permit Application Form (Adobe pdf files) Streetworks Permit Application Form
Report a Surface Defect us know about a surface defect on a road or pavement.