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Environment Strategy 2020-2030 (Adobe pdf files) 2020-30 1 Environment Strategy 2020-2030 2 STRATEGY 2020-30 1. Foreword 3 2. Introduction 5 3. Context 7 4. Our Vision for the West Berkshire Environme...
Deaths and Burials (Excel documents) Burials NAA Burials WEST BERKSHIRE Is expenditure Expenditure Income Total recoverable? Date of death Name of deceased client Last address Description accou...
Fees and Charges 2009-10 (Adobe pdf files) West Berkshire Council Council 03 March 2009 Appendix 2a Children and Young People Fees & Charges Proposals – 2009/10 1. Introduction 1...
Fees and Charges 2010-11 (Adobe pdf files) � � ��������� � Children and Young People Fees & Charges Proposals – 2010/11 1. Introduction 1.1 The main report highlights the fact th...
Fees and charges 2012-13 Environment Directorate (Adobe pdf files) Appendix Ic1 - ENV Excel 2011/12 Fee 2012/13 Proposed Fee Notes Henwick Worthy Sports Ground: Adult £70.50 £72.30 Junior £35.20 £36.10 Adult £52.80 £54.1...
Fees and charges 2012-13 Environment Directorate additional (Adobe pdf files) Appendix Ic2 - Fees and charges ENV WORD Environment Fees and Charges Proposals – 2012/13 1. Introduction 1.1 One of the starting points for the base bud...
Fees and Charges 2011-12 Community Services Directorate (Adobe pdf files) and Charges for Community Services Directorate 2011-12
Fees and charges 2011-12 Children & Young Peoples Directorate (Adobe pdf files) and charges for the Children & Young Peoples Directorate 2011-12
Fees and charges 2011-12 Chief Executive's Directorate (Adobe pdf files) and charges for the Chief Executive's Directorate 2011-12
Fees and charges 2011-12 Environment Directorate pt 1 (Adobe pdf files) and charges for the Environment Directorate 2011-12 (part 1)