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Coronavirus (COVID-19) about council services, help and support for residents of West Berkshire.
Apply for a Temporary Event Notice events that include selling alcohol, providing entertainment and serving hot food or drink.
Apply for a Premises Licence
Apply for a Premises Licence premises licence is required for one or more of: The sale or supply of alcohol; Provision of regulated entertainment; Provision of late night refreshment
Apply to Vary a Premises Licence holder of a Premises Licence may apply at any time to the licensing authority for a variation of the licence eg modify opening hours, or add or remove licen...
Apply for a Minor Variation to a Club Premises Certificate minor variations to Club Premises Certificates, such as to the structure or layout of a location, the removal or addition of certain licensable activities o...
Apply for a Change of Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) of Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
Apply for the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) to be disapplied for the "Designated Premises Supervisor" on a premises licence to be disapplied (removed)
Apply for a Provisional Statement for a provisional statement under section 29 of the Licensing Act 2003
Apply to Transfer a Premises Licence to transfer a premises licence under section 29 of the Licensing Act 2003