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LCA for land north of Pangbourne Hill, Pangbourne (Adobe pdf files) Sensitivity and Capacity Assessment for sites within West Berkshire Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Assessment for: PAN8 Land north of Pangbourne H...
Expanded Bus Services Link Newbury to Basingstoke to your local bus services are continuing apace, making it an even more attractive way to travel. Starting in May, Stagecoach are adding more journ...
Make an Historic Environment Record (HER) Enquiry questions about archaeological sites, ancient monuments, historic buildings and landscapes for development, land management or research purposes This page i...
Garden Waste Terms and Conditions 2024/25 (Adobe pdf files) Waste Terms and Conditions 2024/25
Garden Waste Terms and Conditions Sacks 2024-25 (Adobe pdf files) Waste Terms and Conditions 2024-2025 – Sack Collections Only The Service 1. The garden waste green sack collection service (the Service) is a subscriptio...
West Berkshire Autism Toolkit for Schools (Adobe pdf files) West Berkshire Toolkit for Schools 2 Contents: Supporting Autistic pupils in schools: Introduction The West Berkshire Autism Team Chapter 1: What is Autism?...
SEN identification guidance (Adobe pdf files) identification guidance (PDF)
SEND category descriptors (Adobe pdf files) category descriptors (PDF)
Graduated Approach Plan (GAP) (Adobe pdf files) Approach Plan (GAP) - (PDF)
Early Years support and achievement play plan (Documents) and Achievement Play Plan (Refer to Early Years Quality Team SAPP Guidance leaflet) Name of child: DOB: Current age in months: Code of Practice stage: A...