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HECZ TSA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone TSA Thatcham Suburban Area Historic Character Thatcham remained a small town well into the middle of the 20th century, but s...
HECZ TIA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone TIA Thatcham Industrial Area Historic Character Most of this zone, lying to the east of the residential area of Thatcham, wa...
HECZ SMW (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone SMW Stratfield Mortimer, Wokefield Historic Character This is a sparsely settled, predominantly rural zone of irregularly-sh...
HECZ SWH (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone SWH Stockcross – Wickham Heaths Historic Character This is a heavily wooded zone occupying the south-eastern tip of the Lamb...
HECZ STOF (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone STOF Shaw-Thatcham Open Field Historic Character This is a rural zone comprising recent fields, wooded areas and historic an...
HECZ THC (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone THC Thatcham Historic Core Historic Character A small historic town, Thatcham is known to have been a focus of settlement fr...
HECZ TVSD (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone TVSD Thames Valley - Streatley and Downs Historic Character This is a mixed zone of recent and historic fields, woodland, le...
HECZ UECA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone UECA Urban East Commercial Area Historic Character This is a zone of mixed business use bisected by the M4 and comprising of...
HECZ NFS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone NFS Newbury Fringe South Historic Character This is a mixed zone bisected by the A339, Newbury to Basingstoke road. East of ...
HECZ NFE (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone NFE Newbury Fringe East Historic Character This zone on the southeast side of Newbury is almost entirely within Greenham par...