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Adult Social Care in West Berkshire - Make a difference
Bear-y special statue in Newbury as part of Paddington Visits's favourite bear has taken a seat in Newbury as part of Paddington Visits, a far-reaching trail spanning the UK and Ireland Today (Tuesday 8 October), ...
West Berkshire Historic Environment Record Access and Information Terms and Conditions document sets out the purpose and content of the West Berkshire Historic Environment Record, how to access information, the charging structure and conditio...
Bus Lane Camera Enforcement Lane Camera Enforcement at Park Way Bridge, Newbury
West Berkshire Youth Justice Plan 2024/25 (Adobe pdf files), YOT, YOS, YOUTH JUSTICE, YOUTH OFFENDING, CRIME, YOUNG PEOPLE, YOUTH OFFENDING TEAM West Berkshire Youth Justice Plan 2024/25 The annual Youth Justice Pla...
Supporting Families Leaflet (Adobe pdf files) FAMILIES, TURNAROUND FAMILIES, TROUBLED FAMILIES Supporting Families Leaflet Supporting Families Leaflet
2023/24 Council Tax bandings (Adobe pdf files) 2023/24 Council Tax bandings Council Tax
Adult Social Care Complaints Annual Report 2023-24 (Adobe pdf files) Social Care Complaints Annual Report 2023-24 Contents Introduction ..........................................................................................
The Youth Justice Support Team (previously Youth Offending Team - YOT) young people from offending, or reoffending.
CEF40 Bid Form (Documents) BID FORM CEF40 Bid Form CEF40 Bid Form