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Aldermaston Wharf Lifting Bridge is being refurbished. Berkshire Council will be undertaking major refurbishment works on Aldermaston Wharf Lifting Bridge
We want to hear from you for our Community Forums. are excited to invite you to share your thoughts on topics that matter to you for our future Community Forum meetings.
West Berkshire Historic Landscape Character Sensitivity Map (Adobe pdf files), HLC, SENSITIVITY, SIGNIFICANCE, FRAGILITY, LANDSCAPE, PLANNING West Berkshire Historic Landscape Character Sensitivity Map Map showing the sensitiv...
Two new Executive Directors appointed at West Berkshire Council. Berkshire Council have appointed two new Executive Directors
Receiving secure emails from West Berkshire Council on how to access secure email messages from West Berkshire Council
Heat pumps - the facts some facts from a local Hungerford resident with experience of installing heat pumps at home and for community buildings.
Climate Action: Community Events and News out more about events and news relating to climate action happening across the communities of West Berkshire.
Poems about social isolation and loneliness selection of poems were submitted as part of our poetry in mind campaing. These are themed around social isolation and loneliness
I'm Glad That I Have You by Geoffrey Scott-Baker, my knees are playing up. There's nothing they can do, To ease or cure arthritis. I'm glad that I have you. I can't get out to see my friends. Or walk i...
Choices by Mary Lapworth winter light does not enter the room What was I going to do today? With no plans made......I may as well sit Just wishing my time away.. And what was the po...