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Report a problem with waste an issue with litter, fly-tipping, abandoned vehicles and more.
Keeping West Berkshire tidy to report litter problems, graffiti and abandoned or unwanted vehicles, as well as information about duty of care and community clean-ups.
Reducing your waste and advice on how you can reduce and reuse your waste.
Waste Strategy waste strategy sets out the long-term vision for the management of the rubbish which we all throw away.
Apply for a real nappy pack your free real nappy pack.
Rubbish and Recycling and services relating to rubbish, recycling, garden and food waste, recycling centres and keeping West Berkshire tidy
Rubbish collections black bin is for non-recyclable household waste. Black bins are collected every other week.
Bulky waste collections of large or bulky items, such as sofas, fridges or mattresses.
Find your next collection day the day of your next recycling, rubbish and food waste collection. If you subscribe to our garden waste collection service, your green bin will be collect...
Apply for a larger black rubbish bin this form to request a larger rubbish bin. If we assess that your application demonstrates a need, we will supply you with a larger rubbish bin.