Planning Applications and Advice
Search and comment on planning applications, find out about planning permission, the planning application process, pre-application advice and fees, report a planning breach and more.

Find and comment on a planning application
Find out how to view and comment on all current planning applications within West Berkshire, as well as measuring plans and major applications.
Check if you need planning permission
Use our new tool to find out if you need planning permission for your proposal.
Planning enforcement
How to report possible planning breaches, and how your complaint is handled.
Developer contributions: Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 agreements
Information and services relating to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and section 106 agreements (also known as developer contributions).
Planning inquiries and informal hearings
Planning inquires and informal hearings, and information and document libraries for current, previous, and upcoming inquiries and hearings.
Local Land Charges
Information about local authority and personal searches of the Local Land Charges Register.
Nutrient neutrality
Nutrient pollution is a major environmental issue for many of England's most important places for nature.
Make an Historic Environment Record (HER) enquiry
For questions about archaeological sites, ancient monuments, historic buildings and landscapes for development, land management or research purposes.