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Our Market Street offices will be closed today due to a problem with the water supply. Please call 01635 551111 for help if you were planning to come in to see us.

Your West Berkshire magazine

Your West Berkshire is a magazine bringing you news and events from West Berkshire Council.

Your West Berkshire is a magazine bringing you news and events from West Berkshire Council.

It's a good opportunity to find out more about some of things your Council is doing for you and your community. Through this magazine we will be sharing with you news, events and stories about our work, our achievements and the services which we provide throughout the district every single day.

If you enjoyed this magazine why not sign up to receive the Your West Berkshire e-bulletin direct to your inbox each Wednesday. You can subscribe to this and other newsletters and change your subscription preferences at any time. From our weekly news bulletin to monthly updates about our libraries, waste and recycling, and environment services there are plenty of topics to choose from.

Your West Berkshire - Spring/Summer 2024


Pick up a printed edition

Printed copies of this magazine will be available to pick up from the following locations in the next few days.

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