Planning Policy

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Current Development Plan for West Berkshire: the portfolio of documents that contain planning policies which are used in determining planning applications across West Berkshire. Documents include the Local Plan, Neighbourhood Plans, the Minerals and Waste Local Plan, and South East Plan Natural Resource Management Policy 6.
Emerging Plans: a number of plans are currently in preparation which will form part of the Development Plan when adopted. These include the West Berkshire Local Plan Review, the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Development Plan Document, and Neighbourhood Plans.
Local Development Scheme: the timetable that sets out which planning documents the Council will produce, when the consultation stages will be, and when the Council will adopt the documents.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Guidance (SPG): provide additional guidance on details linked to policies in the Local Plan. They are used when considering planning applications.
Local Development Orders (LDOs): provide permitted development rights for certain types of development in defined locations. One LDO has been prepared which applies to Greenham Business Park.
Neighbourhood and Community Planning Documents: documents which are created by the community which are used to influence planning.
West Berkshire First Homes Policy: First Homes are a type of affordable housing whereby market homes are sold at a discounted price for first-time buyers. The West Berkshire First Homes Policy sets out the framework by which the Council will deliver First Homes in West Berkshire.
Statement of Community Involvement: sets out how we engage with local communities, business and other interested parties when developing and reviewing planning documents and determining planning applications.
Brownfield Land Register: a list of previously developed sites that are available and potentially suitable for housing development across West Berkshire.
Self-build and Custom-Build Register: register your interest for self-build and custom-build homes in West Berkshire.
Authority Monitoring Reports (AMRs): published annually, AMRs monitor and analyse the performance of planning policies, and progress on planning policy documents. They were formally known as Annual Monitoring Reports.
Housing Land Supply Statements: most local authorities are required to identify and update annually a supply of specific and deliverable sites sufficient to provide either a four or five years' worth of housing against their housing requirement.
Mineral Extraction and Waste Management Planning: development management, monitoring, enforcement, and strategic policy making for Minerals and Waste Development.
Biodiversity and the Natural Environment: information about Biodiversity Duty, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), Nutrient Neutrality, the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and the Natural Solution Delivery Partnership.
Phosphates and Nutrient Neutrality: information on nutrient pollution which is a major environmental issue for many of England's most important places for nature.