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Your Town, Your Vision!

Plans to develop visions for our town centres to ensure they serve current and future needs are taking shape.

Posted by: Communications team on 06 December 2023 11:17
Categories: December 2023
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Over the past few months, work to develop plans for Newbury, Hungerford, and Thatcham have been progressing through a new steering group. As local views are at the heart of this work, the meetings are chaired by local Councillors who are collaborating with elected representatives from local communities and businesses for each town. 

Two productive meetings so far have focussed on prioritising the various projects outlined in the three strategic action plans. You can read the minutes from these meetings here:

In Newbury, the spotlight is on phase 1 of the Wharf upgrade - starting to transform the canal side into a vibrant waterfront with a new and improved peace garden. Imagine more public seating, accessible green spaces, and enhanced public facilities creating a cultural and leisure haven that complements the Museum and library! 

Plans for Hungerford and Thatcham continue with ongoing engagement that lets locals shape the detailed proposals. The priority areas being considered for change in these areas include: 

  • Hungerford - improving the towpath by the canal increasing opportunities for social activity, outdoor seating for cafes and restaurants, and improvements to the High Streets and Station Road. 
  • Thatcham - improving sports recreation and community facilities, creating a new community hub, improved crossing for cyclists and pedestrians, enhancing green space for events, and better connections to the High Street. 

Local representation on the steering group assists in delivering our new Council Strategy which makes a commitment to work with partners and local communities to enhance our main towns and large villages. 

Work is likely to accelerate during 2024 and you can keep up to date on the town centre plans here:

Your input is crucial. Interested in being a local representative? Contact Cllr Martin Colston on: to discuss opportunities on being part of the community's progress. Alternatively, you can share your ideas to develop our town centres to Cllr James Cole (Hungerford), Cllr Owen Jeffrey (Thatcham), and Andy Moore (Newbury Town Council). 

Last modified: 06 December 2023 11:22

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