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Peer review for West Berkshire Council

West Berkshire Council will welcome Councillors and officers from across the country.

Posted by: Communications team on 30 January 2024 09:43
Categories: January 2024
Market Street office

Local government officers and Councillors from across the country will be conducting a voluntary peer review from 6 February for four days. A peer review is when eight representatives from councils nationwide spend a week collaborating with a council to evaluate its performance, assess its ambition for residents, and determine if adequate resources are in place to fulfil those objectives.

Speaking ahead of the review, Cllr Jeff Brooks, Acting Leader of West Berkshire Council said:

"The peer review is a chance for us to understand how we as a Council can improve our services and strive to meet the needs of our residents. We want to continue to develop and create a thriving West Berkshire. The peer review gives us an opportunity to see what we can improve and how we can achieve our goals going forward."

Nigel Lynn, Chief Executive said:

"The Peer Review is an opportunity for others in the Local Government sector to provide an insight into our strengths and opportunities for improvement. We want to continue to improve as a Council and provide the best service possible for the residents of West Berkshire. I look forward to welcoming them and hearing their views."

Throughout the visit, the review team will engage in interviews with Councillors and officers, facilitate focus groups involving officers and residents, consult with partner organisations, and participate in council meetings. This comprehensive approach aims to provide a well-rounded perspective of the Council. Initial feedback will be shared at the visit's conclusion, followed by a formal report. Additionally, the team plans to revisit in a couple of years to evaluate the progress made since the initial peer review.

West Berkshire Council underwent a peer review five years ago, as documented in the 2019 Peer Review report. The Local Government Association has coordinated this review, extending support to councils nationwide.

A detailed report encompassing the peer review's findings, along with the Council's response, will be published later on in the year.

Last modified: 30 January 2024 12:37

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