Leader and Executive confirmed for 2024/25
New Executive confirmed at annual Council meeting

A new Leader and Executive have been confirmed following West Berkshire Council's annual meeting on 9 May, 2024.
Councillor Jeff Brooks has been elected Leader of West Berkshire Council and will be joined by nine other councillors on the Executive.
The Executive Members for 2024/25 are as follows:
Jeff Brooks - Leader of Council - Strategy and Communications (Human Resources)
Denise Gaines - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing
Iain Cottingham - Finance and Resources (Audit, Risk, Commissioning, Procurement)
Louise Sturgess - Economic Development and Regeneration
Patrick Clark - Adult Social Care & Public Health
Heather Codling - Children and Family Services
Nigel Foot - Culture, Leisure, Sport, and Countryside
Stuart Gourley - Environment and Highways
Vicky Poole - Transformation and Corporate Programme (ICT and Digital Services)
Lee Dillon - Public Safety and Community Engagement
The Executive is the main decision-making body of the Council. They make the key decisions - those that affect two or more wards or where decisions will have a significant impact on the Council's budget. Each member of the Executive has responsibility for a specific area (or portfolio) as outlined above.
Speaking about the new appointments, Councillor Jeff Brooks, Leader of West Berkshire Council said:
"We have a strong set of Councillors joining our Executive who will help us move our plans forward in the coming years.
We promise to work hard for the residents of West Berkshire, and the new Executive echoes this. Members come from across the district, including towns and countryside, and from the east to the west. Some are new, and some have done this before. They bring fresh ideas and know a lot about how things work in our area.
Together, they'll help us continue the good work we have done over the last year and implement our strategy and do very good things for our residents."
At the meeting, Councillor Billy Drummond was also appointed as the new Chairman of the council. You can find out more about his appointment online.
About Council Meetings
Council meetings take place around five times a year and all 43 elected members are invited to attend. Council is responsible for setting the council's budget and financial strategies, planning and transport policies and the Council Strategy, as well as agreeing any changes to the Constitution.
Members of the public can attend Council meetings and those living or working in West Berkshire can submit questions to Council that relate to any business of the Council or the wellbeing of this district. Details of upcoming Council meetings, which are streamed live on our YouTube channel, are published online.
About Executive Meetings
The Executive is the main decision-making body of the Council. It comprises up to ten councillors from the ruling political party, including the person chosen by that party to be Council Leader. The Leader chairs the meetings. The other Executive members (or Portfolio Holders as they are sometimes called) each have a responsibility for a particular area (portfolio).
The Executive meets in public usually every six weeks. As with Council meetings, members of the public are able to attend these, submit questions in advance or follow them live on YouTube (details above).