Celebrating local community champions

Outstanding contributions of individuals and community groups were celebrated through the 2023 Community Champion Awards. The annual event recognises and honours those who have made a significant impact on the local community, going above and beyond to support their fellow residents.
This year's nominations showcased remarkable community spirit, resulting in an overall winner in each category and several highly commended individuals chosen by the judges. Cllr Jeremy Cottam, Chairman of West Berkshire Council, presented the awards to our winners and highly commended nominees at an awards ceremony at Shaw House in Newbury.
We're delighted to announce that our 2023 Community Champions are:
- Junior Citizen of the Year: Thrishathi Srinivasan
- Volunteer of the Year: Gillian Hornzee
- Community Group of the Year: Speen Community Café
- Lifetime Achievement Award: Susan Cocker
The 2023 Community Champion Awards underscore the vibrant spirit of community engagement in West Berkshire. These individuals and groups not only celebrate past achievements but also inspire others to contribute to the well-being and cohesion of the local community.
Pat Eastop MBE Junior Citizen of The Year Award
Thrishathi Srinivasan - Winner
The Pat Eastop MBE Junior Citizen of the Year Award recognised Thrishathi Srinivasan for her inspiring efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Providing essential lessons to affected children, she generously donated funds to the Swings and Smiles charity.
Milla Brereton - Highly Commended
Volunteer of The Year
Gillian Hornzee - Winner
Gillian Hornzee earned Volunteer of the Year for helping Ukrainian families settling in the area. From finding hosts to supporting education, her selfless efforts exemplify the true spirit of volunteerism.
Maureen Velvick - Highly Commended
Irwin Fairclough - Highly Commended
Community Group of the Year
Speen Community Café - Winner
Speen Community Café secured the award for its 17 months of commendable efforts, becoming a hub for community building with various activities fostering connections and skills development.
Time to Talk - Highly Commended
Lifetime Achievement Award
Susan Cocker- Winner
Susan Cocker received the Lifetime Achievement award for over 30 years of dedication to Lambourn Parish Council, leaving an indelible mark on the local community.
Stephanie Awbery - Highly Commended
Bill Graham - Highly Commended
Click here to find out more about the winners, and when nominations open for 2024.