Waste and Recycling

Household Waste Recycling Centre - Opening Hours
Did you know that weekday opening hours for our two Household Waste Recycling Centres have changed?
They will now be open from 11am to 6pm on weekdays - but will remain open as usual from 9am to 6pm on weekends and bank holidays. The shorter weekday opening hours follows a consultation earlier in the year. It will help the sites run more efficiently - as there was spare capacity during weekdays - and save almost £60,000.
Please remember to book an appointment before you visit and check your household is registered for a permit.
You can find further details on here.
Garden Waste Subscriptions
If you subscribe to our garden waste collections you won't receive a sticker for your bin this year. Thanks to technology in our waste vehicles our collection crews will know which properties are subscribed, eliminating the need for a physical sticker. This will see 33,000 fewer pieces of paper issued - saving money, resources, and reducing waste.
You'll also notice the subscription for the first bin will be cheaper this year. A £3 reduction marks the start of phasing out the garden waste collection charge, reaffirming our commitment to our community and the environment.
More information will be available from July 2024 here.