Spring examination for the Local Plan Review

The Public Examination of the Local Plan Review will be taking place this Spring.

The Local Plan sets out planning policies for the district - setting out how the district will develop in the coming years. It determines how many new homes are needed and where they should be built, and looks at employment needs and finds opportunities for future growth. Having a Local Plan also prevents speculative and unplanned development in the district.
The current Local Plan Review will shape West Berkshire's future through to 2039.
Prior to adoption, it will be subject to an independent examination by an Inspector who is appointed by the Secretary of State. It will assess whether the submitted plan has been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements.
At the Examination the Inspector will take into account the representations submitted in relation to the soundness of the plan and hold a number of informal debates on key matters which he identifies. Members of the public can attend the hearing sessions but only those invited to do so by the Inspector may speak.
At the end of the Examination, the Inspector will prepare a report to the Council with precise recommendations, which may include modifications to the plan if such a request is made by the Council. If there are proposed modifications, these will be subject to further public consultation and the Inspector will consider representations made before reaching his conclusions.
Once approved by the Inspector, it will return to West Berkshire Council to be fully adopted.
To find out more about the hearing and how to attend click here.