Engaging with SEND Parents and Carers

There are some exciting developments in West Berkshire for parents and carers of children and young people with special education needs and disabilities.
West Berkshire SEND Parent Carer Forum
Our SEND parent carer forum is looking for new members! If you'd like to help influence and improve services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities - the West Berkshire PCF needs you!
Our PCF connects with parents across the district to help us see the bigger picture of what life is really like for families - identifying problems as well as what's working well. To do this, we work in partnership with the West Berkshire Council, the NHS and other professionals and partner organisations.
To find out more about what the Parent Carer Forum do, please watch our video and if you'd like to get involved please email admin@westberkssendpcf.co.uk
Coram Parent Champion Programme
To further support communication with parents and carers in West Berkshire we're launching our first Coram Parent Champion Programme. The programme will help us to engage with parents and carers and support our aim to co-produce the transformation of SEND services with residents as our partners.
Setting up a Coram Parent Champion Programme in West Berkshire will create a network of parent carer volunteers who will help us to share and receive information about the support services available to families, as well as increase our ability to understand how in collaboration we can make them better.
Parent champion volunteers will receive training and support as well as lots of opportunities to join national learning events, networks and conferences as well as gather excellent community based experience that will support future employment options.
Find out more about being a Coram Parent /Carer Champion.
And to register you interest in volunteering please contact Beth Kelly beth.kelly1@westberks.gov.uk.
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