SEND Inclusion strategy Short Breaks Statement Publication

We're excited to announce that our Short Breaks Statement for 2024 has been published!
West Berkshire Short Breaks Statement 2024
The Short Breaks Statement outlines the support we provide for families of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), so that they can take a break from their caring responsibilities.
Why do we need a Short Breaks Statement?
Having a Short Breaks Statement is important because it gives families clear information on the types of Short Breaks available, who can access them and what the benefits of Short Breaks are.
It also ensures that we're transparent about how we plan and deliver these services to meet the needs of our community and our legal duties.
What's new for 2024?
Following feedback from children, young people and their families as part of the SEND Review in 2023, short breaks were identified as a key area for improvement. Providers who bid for grant funding for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025, had to detail how they would meet the need for Short Breaks:
- in the East of the district
- for children with very complex health needs
- for young people aged 16 to 25
- how support would be provided to access mainstream leisure and youth activities
What else are we doing?
We are:
- working in co-production with the Parent/Carer forum to develop a survey for families to complete to provide feedback on Short Breaks
- undertaking an audit of Short Breaks to see what Short Break provision we have in the district and where there might be gaps
- looking at the information we have published on the Local Offer around Short Breaks and how this can be improved.
You can view the full Short Breaks Statement on our Local Offer.
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