Part 6.3.3 - Appendix: Children's Prevention and Early Help Partnership
- Preamble
- Establishment and Accountability
- Scope of Role
- Membership
- Chairman and Quorum
- Meetings and Decision Making
1. Preamble
- 1.1 Part 3 (Meeting Procedure Rules) and Part 6 (Council Bodies) set out the rules and procedures that apply to all of the Council's Bodies and Sub-Bodies.
- 1.2 If there is any conflict between the wording of Parts 3 and 6 and this Appendix, this Appendix will prevail.
2. Establishment and Accountability
- 2.1 The Children's Prevention and Early Help Partnership ("CPEHP") (previously the Children's Delivery Group) is a Sub-Body of the West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Board ("HWB").
- 2.2 The CPEHP will link and liaise with the Berkshire West Children's Safeguarding Partnership and its associated sub groups.
- 2.3 The CPEHP, through the Chairman, is accountable to the Council via the HWB Steering Group ("HWBSG"), and the HWB.
3. Scope of Role
- 3.1 The CPEHP will:
- act as the strategic group accountable for the Early Help ("EH") System ("EHS" - see diagram below at 3.2) and the partnership infrastructure;
- provide a focus on, and foster strong partnership arrangements to enable partners to take collective responsibility for, share risks and jointly invest in, EH, whole family and whole system working;
- have oversight of the development, embedding, monitoring and review of an EH assessment and plan ('My Family Plan') across the CPEHP;
- work towards a shared culture, principles, practice framework and set of processes within the EHS;
- create context where leaders at different levels across the CPEHP focus on building productive and trusting relationships with partners;
- develop a balanced system, so that more appropriate support is provided for children and families earlier to reduce unnecessary or costly statutory intervention in the children's social care system;
- draw on local and national evaluation to show the impact of EH on outcomes for children and families and reducing demand on statutory services;
- prioritise an EH Strategy which is a product of joined up thinking across the CPEHP;
- have oversight of the 1001 days approach to early years;
- agree a shared set of measures at family, cohort, demand and population level, including quality of whole family practice and family voice, which collectively represent the effectiveness of the EHS;
- use outcome measures to generate an enquiring and learning culture, with high support and high challenge, enabling shared responsibility for improving outcomes, recognising that no one organisation delivers a specific outcome on their own;
- develop a culture of using evaluation and evidence to inform the development of the EHS and the quality of whole family working;
- ensure that work undertaken is trauma informed and developmentally aware, keeping therapeutic approaches at the forefront;
- ensure that there is synergy with the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Strategy and Early Years Strategy, linking in with the relevant strategic/operational groups;
- ensure good early help practice forms part of the standards for commissioning of services to support the application of local voluntary, community and faith groups as service providers;
- act as the delivery arm of the HWB and support the delivery of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy principles.
- provide regular reports to the HWBSG and/or the HWB.
- 3.2 Image of EHS:
4. Membership
- 4.1 The CPEHP group membership consists of the following individuals, or a representative of the following bodies or groups (with members encouraged to identify Substitutes to attend if they are unable to do so):
- the Executive Member with responsibility for Children Services;
- Children and Family Service - the Council's senior responsible officer;
- Early Response Hub - the Council's senior officer;
- Supporting Families - the Council's senior officer;
- Education - the Council's senior responsible officer;
- Public Health and Wellbeing Team - the Council's senior officer;
- Housing - the Council's senior officer;
- Building Communities Together Team - the Council's senior officer;
- Schools - Primary/Secondary head teacher representative;
- Thames Valley Police;
- Health (CAMHS/school nursing/health visiting);
- Voluntary and Community Sector;
- Berkshire West Safeguarding Children Partnership;
- Healthwatch West Berkshire;
- Family Parent Carer Forum.
5. Chairman and Quorum
- 5.1 The Council's senior responsible officer for its Children and Family Service shall be Chairman of the Board and Council's senior responsible officer for its Education Service shall be Vice-Chairman.
- 5.2 The quorum for a meeting is four members.
6. Meetings and Decision Making
- 6.1 Ordinary Meetings of the CPEHP will generally take place quarterly.
- 6.2 The CPEHP will be responsible for making decisions in relation to its operational and strategic priorities and the delivery of such.