Part 6.5 - Appendix: Joint Public Protection Committee
- Preamble
- Introduction
- Scope of Role
- Membership
- Chairman and Vice-Chairman
- Quorum
- Frequency of Meetings
- Significant Decisions
- Forward Plan
- Administration
1. Preamble
- 1.1 Part 3 (Meeting Procedure Rules) and Part 6 (Council Bodies) set out the rules and procedures that apply to all of the Council's Bodies and Sub-Bodies.
- 1.2 If there is any conflict between the wording of Parts 3 and 6 and this Appendix, this Appendix will prevail.
2. Introduction
- 2.1 The Joint Public Protection Committee ("JPPC") has been established to oversee the strategic leadership of the Joint Public Protection Partnership ("PPP"), comprising Bracknell Forest Council ("BFC") and West Berkshire District Council ("WBC") (together, "the Councils").
- 2.2 WBC is the host authority for the PPP and, unless otherwise agreed in writing, the WBC Constitution will apply to all procedures and Meetings of the JPPC.
3. Scope of Role
- 3.1 The purpose of the JPPC is to:
- 3.1.1 set the strategic direction for the PPP; and
- 3.1.2 review:
- standards of service delivery and performance;
- fee income and costs (on a cost recovery basis unless a statutory basis applies);
- the treatment of trading surpluses or deficits;
- an action plan for business growth and development.
4. Membership
- 4.1 The JPPC shall comprise of six Members, three from each of BFC and WBC as follows:
- 4.1.1 The Executive/Cabinet Member with responsibility for Public Protection Services (appointed by the Leader of the respective council);
- 4.1.2 Two additional Members (appointed by each Council at its respective Annual Meeting or in the event of a vacancy) reflecting the political balance of the individual Council.
- 4.2 At least one officer representing each partner local authority will attend the JPPC to advise Members. Where possible, the Public Protection Manager for the Service will also attend.
5. Chairman and Vice-Chairman
- 5.1 The JPPC shall appoint one of its Members to be Chairman of the JPPC on an annual basis (or in the event of a vacancy) who shall continue in office until their successor becomes entitled to act.
- 5.2 The Chairmanship and Vice-Chairmanship of the JPPC shall rotate between the Councils on an annual basis, with each post being held by a different Council.
6. Quorum
- 6.1 The quorum of a Meeting shall be two.
- 6.2 At least one Executive Member from each Council must be present for the meeting to be quorate.
7. Frequency of Meetings
- 7.1 The JPPC will meet a minimum of twice per year (on a six monthly basis). Additional meetings may take place with the agreement of the Chairman. Meetings will be held at a venue to be agreed with the Chairman.
8. Significant Decisions
- 8.1 The JPPC shall refer back to the Councils for decision any proposal that it has agreed in principle seeking to:
- 8.1.1 admit an additional party or parties to the PPP;
- 8.1.2 incur expenditure which requires increased contributions by the Councils; or
- 8.1.3 make significant changes to the fundamental principles or operation of the PPP.
9. Forward Plan
- 9.1 The JPPC will take Key Decisions on behalf of the two Councils and will give notice of these decisions at least 28 days before they are due to be taken.
10. Administration
- 10.1 WBC will provide administration for the JPPC.