Cost of Living: Help with food costs

Community larders
Community Larders are a great way for people to get the food they need at a very reasonable price.
There are weekly sessions across the district and anyone can sign up and go along to choose items like tins, packets and supermarket surplus products, as well as a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables. The larder service is not means tested.
You can find out more about local community larders on the West Berkshire Directory.
Food banks
You can also visit the West Berks Foodbank website directly for further information.
Food sharing apps
Signing up to food sharing apps allows you to share food and other unwanted household items with neighbours in your area. You may also be able to benefit from businesses who have surplus food.
Two of the most popular food sharing apps are:
Cost effective food shopping and recipe ideas
You can find ways to save any waste and make healthy meals on a budget on our 'Reducing Your Waste' page.
Get advice on making savings when supermarket shopping on the Money Saving Expert website.
You can also browse healthy meal ideas from the NHS on their 'healthier families' pages.
Help for families
You can find schemes to help families with food and living costs using our interactive form, here.