Delivering affordable homes
How we deliver affordable housing in West Berkshire.
Affordable housing is housing for those whose needs are not met by the open market. This includes houses for rent and for sale, housing that helps people to become home owners, and housing for essential local workers. You can find more information on our affordable housing page.
What we do
We are committed to ensuring that affordable homes are meeting local need.
Our Strategic Housing Team works with a range of partners across West Berkshire, to provide affordable housing within the district. These partners include private housing developers, registered providers and parish councils, in line with the
key objectives.We always encourage early engagement between all partners delivering new affordable housing development sites. Early engagement helps us to make sure that they understand the constraints and expectations, to best meet the needs for affordable homes in the district. It also helps us to make sure the details of the affordable housing provision are agreed, including the tenure, size, type and mix of affordable housing.