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Draft Parking Review On Street Order Amendment (REF0034IM)

Statutory advertisement of On-street Parking Places amendment and tariff changes.

Consultation status Archived
Start date: 2024-08-22
End date: 2024-09-13
Results 2024-10-11
Category: Roads, Transport and Parking

Activity closed. Results published.

Cars in parking bays


The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 allows West Berkshire Council to create Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) within the district. TROs allow us to place controls on parking in council-run car parks and on roads, setting conditions about parking. These conditions might include:

  • a parking charge being applied
  • a permit requirement
  • restrictions on how long a vehicle may park for

The TROs may apply only in certain areas of car parks or roads, and/or on certain days and times. We are consulting on drafted amendments to the Order for on-street parking at various locations across West Berkshire.

What we are proposing

As resolved by the Full Council meeting on Thursday, 29 February 2024, this draft TRO proposes to make the following amendments to the West Berkshire District Council (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading, Parking Places and Residents' Parking) (Consolidation) Order 2009 (Amendment No. 34) Order 202:

To amend Schedule 2 of the Principal Order (the plans) with amendments to the operational days and hours.

Schedule 3 of the Principal Order is also amended with revised parking charges to include amendments to the Daily Charges, Sunday Daytime and Evening charging across all locations Charging Days and Charging Hours section of Schedule 3 to the Principal Order as set out below. Clarity has also been provided with a 'maximum period that vehicles can be parked' which equates to the full evening charge period plus the maximum stay daytime charge period.

It is proposed to revoke Amendments 21 and 25 [A] as the content of these would be replaced by the revised Schedules 2 and 3.

These changes are designed to provide a charging regime that is consistent across the whole of the district and to generate income to continue to provide maintenance and enforcement activity, to support the district's economy, noting the Department of Transport statutory guidance which states that enforcement authorities should aim to increase compliance with parking restrictions through clear, well designed, legal and enforced parking controls.

You can view/download the statement of reasons, notice of proposal, draft order and maps of the areas affected through the links below:

Why we want your views

We'd like to know whether you'd like to express your support or objection, record a neutral position, or make a general comment on the introduction of these proposals.

Please note: We are not seeking views on the revised parking charges. These have already been consulted on as part of the Budget Proposal for 2024/25 on the restructure of parking fees and charges consultation. We welcome all comments on the introduction of new parking restrictions on evenings and weekends.

How to take part

Our survey closed at midnight on Friday, 13 September 2024. 

Comments were also accepted by email to or in writing to Mr Ian Martinez, Parking Services, West Berkshire Council, Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD.

If you have any questions about this consultation, please email

What you told us

We received 1,122 responses to our online survey, 76 responses by email or post and 0 petitions.
The main messages raised to consider were:

  • Concerns with the proposals in each of the affected towns: Hungerford, Newbury and Thatcham;
  • Concerns with the impact on town centres and businesses – and the reliance on parking and the tourism trade for businesses.
  • Concerns with extension of hours and days of applicability, and concerns/objections with Sunday, Bank Holiday and evening charges.
  • Concerns with anti-social parking on other nearby roads as people seek free alternatives.
  • Competition with other parking and retail opportunities;
  • Concerns for residents who live in the immediate affected roads and affordability of parking;
  • Requests for more free parking – particularly free daytime parking for first 30 minutes in Hungerford and Thatcham.
  • Requests for permits and/or enforcement in additional roads and/or additional times.

What we did

We used the feedback received to inform a decision-making report on the proposed parking order amendment and a summary of the responses was included in the report. 

An Individual Member Decision was made on Friday, 27 September 2024 to proceed with the parking order amendment with one change: to amend the evening charge for Hungerford High Street to free. 

The parking order amendment (with this change) was implemented on Monday, 2 December 2024. The full list of current parking charges for West Berkshire Council car parks and on-street locations are available here.

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