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Review of polling districts and polling places

Making sure voting is accessible, convenient and in suitable facilities.

Under Section 18C of the Representation of the Peoples Act 1983, all local authorities are required to review their polling districts and polling places at least every five years. The review period starts in October, and each authority may choose the exact dates and length of their review; however, it must fall within a 16-month period.

The purpose of reviewing polling districts and polling places is to try and make sure that our voting facilities are as convenient, suitable and accessible as possible for everyone who uses them.

 The review covers:

  • polling districts - areas created when constituencies (for general elections) or wards (for local elections) are split into smaller parts to allow people to vote in a convenient way
  • polling places - the location, normally the buildings, in which polling stations are sited within the polling districts

Please note: The review does not cover the changing of ward or constituency boundaries or names, which are the responsibility of the Local Government Boundary Commission (for wards) and the Parliamentary Boundary Commission (for constituencies).

Electors within the council area or within a UK Parliamentary constituency which has any part in the authority may make a representation. We invite comments from all electors regarding the convenience of voting at polling stations currently used for elections and would welcome suggestions for alternative sites. The council also welcomes the views of all residents, particularly disabled residents, or any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability, on the proposals, Acting Returning Officer's representations and any other related matters.

Polling Review 2023

The last polling review took place in September 2023 and the report was approved at the Extraordinary meeting of the Council on 20 February 2024.


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