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West Berkshire Local Plan Review Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Emerging Draft Local Plan Review to 2037 Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report December 2020 1 CONTENTS 1. Introduction 3 2. Methodology 6 3. S...
Interim Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 1: Consultation Comments on Scoping Report (2018) (Adobe pdf files) SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL APPENDIX 1: CONSULTATION COMMENTS ON SCOPING REPORT (2018) Interim Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 1: Consultation Comments o...
Interim Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 2: Baseline Information (Adobe pdf files) SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL APPENDIX 2: BASELINE INFORMATION Interim Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 2: Baseline Information Interim Sustainability Appra...
Interim Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 3: Relevant Plans and Programmes (Adobe pdf files) Sustainability Appraisal Report - West Berkshire Emerging Draft Local Plan Review to 2037 (December 2020) Appendix 3 Appendix 3 Review of Relevant Plans...
Interim Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 5: Sustainability Appraisal of Site Options (Adobe pdf files) 5 Detailed Sustainability Appraisal of Site Options 1 Spatial Area: Newbury/Thatcham Settlement: Newbury Parish: Greenham Site ID: GRE8 Site Address: S...
Emerging Draft LPR Site Selection Background Paper (Dec 2020) (Adobe pdf files) Draft West Berkshire Local Plan Review to 2037 Site Selection Background Paper December 2020 1 Emerging Draft Local Plan Review to 2037: Site Selection...
Interim Sustainability Appraisal Appendix 4: Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Policies (Adobe pdf files) 4 Detailed Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Policies 1 SP1: Spatial Strategy Options: The revised spatial strategy needs to set out the approach for t...
Appendix 1: Sites Ruled out in Stage 1 (HELAA) (Excel documents) ruled out in Stage 1 Appendix 1: Sites ruled out in Stage 1 (assessed as 'not developable within the next 15 year in the HELAA) SITE REF SITE REASON(S) SI...
Appendix 4b: Thatcham Site Assessments (Adobe pdf files) Draft West Berkshire Local Plan Review to 2037 Site Selection Background Paper (December 2020) Appendix 4b: Thatcham Site Assessments 1 Site Assessment...
Appendix 3: Sites Ruled out in Stage 4 (Non-strategic sites within the settlement boundary) (Excel documents) ruled out in Stage 4 Appendix 3: Sites ruled out in Stage 4 (non-strategic sites within the settlement boundary) SITE REF SITE BRAD4 Land at Cock Lane, Br...