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Lambourn Neighbourhood Plan of a Neighbourhood Plan for Lambourn.
WBC NP Advice Note 13 - Weight of emerging neighbourhood plans (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 13: Weight of emerging neighbourhood plans (Updated June 2024) Weight of emerging neighbourhood plans ...
Neighbourhood Planning Resources town and parish councils create a neighbourhood plan.
HECZ CHCAS (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone CHCAS Curridge, Hermitage, Cold Ash Settlements Historic Character This is a zone of recent and historic settlement with som...
HECZ BRI (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone BRI Brimpton Area Historic Character This zone is made up of the easternmost part of the Enborne – Kennet watershed where th...
HECZ BSE (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone BSE Beenham and South End Historic Character This zone is the centre of the Bourne valley and is characterised by recent and...
HECZ BCUL (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone BCUL Burghfield Common Urban Landscape Historic Character This is a zone dominated by mid to late 20th century housing, deve...
HECZ CFW (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ CFW Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...
HECZ CPD (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ CPD Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...
HECZ CRP (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ CRP Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...