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Information for Bus Service Providers about the Newbury Wharf Operator Agreement, grants and funding, and the Enhanced Partnership
Local Transport Options about the local transport available in and around West Berkshire, including buses, trains, community transport and Newbury Car Club
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West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #80 this week's blog we continue to reflect on the Ukraine crisis, Council Tax bills, and the Bus Improvement Plan Since our last update, global events have domi...
West Berkshire Council Weeknotes #79 this week's blog we reflect on the invasion of Ukraine, our budget for the year ahead and the Levelling Up agenda. We begin this update after a tumultuous fe...
Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury note that tickets for face-to-face advice are available until 4.45pm (Monday to Thursday), and 4.15pm on Friday; we do not accept any new face-to-face cl...
Council Offices, Turnhams Green Offices, Calcot office is closed.
Youth Offending Team (YOT) and Edge, Merchant House, Newbury YOT and the Edge at at Merchant House, Newbury
Council Offices, York House, Newbury office is closed for the foreseeable future due to the coronavirus pandemic