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Examiners Procedural Matters Cold Ash NDP (1 November 2023) (Adobe pdf files) EXAMINATION OF THE COLD ASH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN EXAMINER: Andrew Mead BSc (Hons) MRTPI MIQ Ivor McArdle Chair of the NDP Steering Group and Vice-chai...
Public Access for Planning - User Guide (Adobe pdf files) Public Access for Planning User Guide Idox Public Access 3.6 Copyright notice Ideas, solutions, suggestions, hints and procedures from this document are th...
Case Study: Sam Sturgess Sturgess' Career Journey as an Occupational Therapy Assistant at West Berkshire Council
Result of Verification of Ballot Paper Accounts Thames Valley Voting Area (PCC Election 2024) (Adobe pdf files) of Verification of Ballot Paper Accounts Thames Valley Voting Area (PCC Election 2024)
Declaration of result Cold Ash - Neighbourhood Planning Referendum (Adobe pdf files) OF RESULT OF POLL West Berkshire Cold Ash Neighbourhood Planning Referendum I, Nigel Lynn, being the Counting Officer at the above referendum held o...
Declaration of Result Hermitage - Neighbourhood Planning Referendum (Adobe pdf files) OF RESULT OF POLL West Berkshire Hermitage Neighbourhood Planning Referendum I, Nigel Lynn, being the Counting Officer at the above referendum held ...
Result of Verification of Ballot Paper Accounts West Berkshire Voting Area (PCC election 2024) (Adobe pdf files) of Verification of Ballot Paper Accounts West Berkshire Voting Area (PCC election 2024)
Adult Social Care and Public Health Adult Social Care service supports the wellbeing and independence of elderly and vulnerable adults. The Public Health and Wellbeing service supports residen...
Case Study: Sam Sturgess Sturgess' Career Journey as an Occupational Therapy Assistant at West Berkshire Council
Our People - Case Studies the inspiring career journeys of our dedicated staff, each contributing to the success and well-being of our community.