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CD17.5 - Arboricultural Association - Root protection for veteran trees (Adobe pdf files) - Arboricultural Association Root protection for veteran trees
CD17.6 TPO 201.21.1016 Land at Sandleford Park Newtown Road Newtown Newbury (Adobe pdf files) - TPO 201/21/1016 – Land at Sandleford Park, Newtown Road, Newtown, Newbury
CD17.7 - Woodland Trust: What are ancient, veteran and other trees of special interest? November 2008 (Adobe pdf files) - Woodland Trust: What are ancient, veteran and other trees of special interest? November 2008
CD17.8 - West Berkshire Landscape Sensitivity Study: Potential Strategic Development Sites, WBC 2009. (Adobe pdf files) - West Berkshire Landscape Sensitivity Study: Potential Strategic Development Sites, WBC 2009.
CD17.9 Historic England Listing for the parkland Sandleford Priory, Greenham - 1000333 (Adobe pdf files) - Historic England Listing for the parkland Sandleford Priory, Greenham - 1000333
CD17.10 Historic Environment Character Zone HECZ(N) Newbury Fringe South (NFS) (Adobe pdf files) - Historic Environment Character Zone HECZ(N) Newbury Fringe South (NFS)
CD17.11 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, GLVIA3, 3rd Edition. (Adobe pdf files) - Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, GLVIA3, 3rd Edition.
CD17.12 The Landscape Institute, Valued Landscapes Consultation (Adobe pdf files) - The Landscape Institute, Valued Landscapes Consultation
CD17.13 Biodiversity Net Gain GPP for Development (Adobe pdf files) - Biodiversity Net Gain Good Practice Principles for Development. A practical guide. (2019) CIEEM,CIRIA & IEMA
CD17.14 Impacts of Nearby Development on the Ecology of Ancient Woodland. (2008) (Adobe pdf files) Impacts of Nearby Development on the Ecology of Ancient Woodland. (2008) Corney, PM et al.