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CD8.13 - West Berkshire Local Plan Review 2020-2037 Emerging Draft (Adobe pdf files) - West Berkshire Local Plan Review: Emerging Draft (2020-2037) Regulation 18 December 2020
Q&A for on Local Plan review from the public (Adobe pdf files) FOR ON LOCAL PLAN REVIEW FROM THE PUBLIC Q&A for on Local Plan review from the public Q&A for on Local Plan review from the public
CD8.26 - West Berkshire Local Transport Plan (2011-2026) (Adobe pdf files) - West Berkshire Local Transport Plan (2011-2026)
CD8.24 - Newbury Town Design Statement (2018) (Adobe pdf files) - Newbury Town Design Statement (2018)
CD8.14 - WBC Sandleford Park SPD (2015) (Adobe pdf files) - WBC Sandleford Park SPD (2015)
CD8.15 - WBC Planning Obligations SPD (2015) (Adobe pdf files) - WBC Planning Obligations SPD (2015)
CD8.16 - WBC Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (2018) (Adobe pdf files) - WBC Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (2018)
WBC NP Advice Note 1 - Overview of Neighbourhood Planning (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 1: Overview of neighbourhood planning 1 Overview of neighbourhood planning 1. Overview of neighbourhoo...
WBC NP Advice Note 6 - Neighbourhood planning procedures (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 6 - Neighbourhood planning procedures West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 6: Neighbourhood planning procedures 1 Neighb...
WBC NP Advice Note 4 - Establishing a steering group (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 4 - Establishing a steering group Wet Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 4: Establishing a steering group 1 Establishing a ...