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WBC NP Advice Note 7 - Developing a vision & objectives (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 7 - Developing a vision & objectives West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 7: Developing a vision and objectives 1 Develo...
WBC NP Advice Note 2 - Differences between neighbourhood plans & other community plans (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 2 - Differences between neighbourhood plans & other community plans West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 2: Differences ...
WBC NP Advice Note 8 - Generating options (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 8 - Generating options West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 8: Generating options 1 Generating options 1. Why consider o...
WBC NP Advice Note 3 - Cost of producing neighbourhood plans (Adobe pdf files) Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 2: Cost of producing neighbourhood plans 1 Cost of producing neighbourhood plans 1. Introduction 1.1. ...
WBC NP Advice Note 5 - Designating a Neighbourhood Area (Adobe pdf files) NP Advice Note 5 - Designating a Neighbourhood Area West Berkshire Council Neighbourhood Planning Advice Note 5: Designating a Neighbourhood Area 1 Designat...
MHCLG - FAQs on Covid-19 Neigbourhood Planning (Adobe pdf files) - FAQs on changes to neighbourhood planning in response to Coronavirus (Covid-19) How does Covid-19 affect neighbourhood planning? • The Coronavirus pande...
Soft Sand Study (Adobe pdf files) Sand Study
MWLP Proposed Submission Representation Form (Documents) Proposed Submission Representation Form
Local Aggregates Assessment (Proposed Submission) FINAL 2020 (Adobe pdf files) Aggregates Assessment (Proposed Submission) FINAL 2020
Minerals Evidence Paper Proposed Submission FINAL 2020 (Adobe pdf files) Evidence Paper Proposed Submission FINAL 2020