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Apply for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence to West Berkshire District Council for the grant or renewal of a licence to use a Private Hire Vehicle within the District of West Berkshire Council
Apply for a Private Hire Operators Licence to West Berkshire District Council for the grant / renewal of a licence to operate Private Hire Vehicles.
Licensing of Activities Involving Animals for selling animals as pets, the provision of boarding for cats or dogs, riding establishments, breeding dogs and keeping or training animals for exhib...
Apply for a Licence to Keep Dangerous Wild Animal(s) person requires a licence from the council if they keep a 'dangerous wild animal', as specified in the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
Apply for a Licence to Keep a Zoo are regulated, and must have a licence
Report an Infestation of Rats or Mice us about an infestation
Apply for a Temporary Event Notice events that include selling alcohol, providing entertainment and serving hot food or drink.
Apply for a Premises Licence
Apply for a Premises Licence premises licence is required for one or more of: The sale or supply of alcohol; Provision of regulated entertainment; Provision of late night refreshment
Apply to Vary a Premises Licence holder of a Premises Licence may apply at any time to the licensing authority for a variation of the licence eg modify opening hours, or add or remove licen...