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Supported Employment Strategy 2020-2024 (Adobe pdf files) EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY 2020-2024 Supported Employment Strategy 2020-2024 Supported Employment Strategy 2020-2024
Find Help and Support for Mental Health series of questions designed to help you find the most appropriate sources of mental health support
Adult Social Care: Safe to Practice Matrix 2020 (Documents) TO PRACTICE MATRIX 2020 This matrix is designed to help managers and employees to meet the ‘Induction standards for Health & Social Care Workers – Care Cer...
Adult Social Care Safe to Practice Matrix 2015-16 (Documents) TO PRACTICE MATRIX 2015/16 This matrix is designed to help managers and employees to meet the ‘Induction standards for Health & Social Care Workers – Care ...
Report Suspected Abuse Against an Adult a safeguarding concern to investigate reports of abuse against adults who need help or support
Find Services on the West Berkshire Directory to services and organisations on the West Berkshire Directory on a wide range of topics
Understanding Your Care Needs about care needs assessments and eligibility, as well as advice to help you understand your social care options
Help Staying Independent at Home and advice on eating well, feeling safe and feeling less lonely whilst at home
Wheelchair Hire about hiring a wheelchair from the West Berkshire Directory
Find Help with Adult Social Care and Support and advice about adult social care and support in West Berkshire