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Fees and payments for planning applications of fees and how to pay for a planning application.
Amending an approved planning application amendments to planning permission that has already been approved.
Notifications prior to commencing work applications are used to notify the council about the commencement of works for certain development types.
Modification or discharge of planning obligation form is to apply for a modification or discharge of planning obligation if there is a Section 106 legal agreement attached to the application.
Listed building and conservation forms for listed building consent (on it's own or with a certificate of lawfulness) and demolition in a conservation area.
Minerals and waste form is for applications relating to mineral extraction or minerals related infrastructure and/or waste management proposals.
Full application (including change of use) application for Full Planning Permission is for making a detailed planning application for development under Section 62 of the Town and Country Planning Act...
Applications for works to trees or hedges planning application forms for works to trees and hedgerow removal.
Reserved matters and conditions Application for Approval of Reserved Matters should be used after an outline planning permission has been granted.
Advertisement control application Application for Consent to Display an Advertisement should be used for proposals to display an advertisement or sign.