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CD6.6 Appellants' Wheatcroft Statement with appendices 1.4.21 Redacted (Adobe pdf files) - Comments received in response to Wheatcroft Consultation
CD9.1 - Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) dated 25.2.2021 (Adobe pdf files) - Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) dated 25.2.2021
CD15.1 Suffolk Coastal Cheshire East [2017] UKSC 37 (Adobe pdf files) - Suffolk Coastal / Cheshire East [2017] UKSC 37
CD15.2 East Staffordshire (Barwood) [2017] EWCA Civ 893 (Adobe pdf files) - East Staffordshire (Barwood) [2017] EWCA Civ 893
CD15.3 Planning (LB&CA) Act 1990 s.66 (Adobe pdf files) - Planning (LB &CA) Act 1990 s.66 (extract)
CD15.4 Highways Act 1981 s.130 (extract) (Adobe pdf files) - Highways Act 1981 s.130 (extract)
CD15.5 - Appeal Decision PINS Ref 3153899 22/08/2017 Land South of Garden Close Lane, Newbury (Adobe pdf files) - Appeal Decision PINS Ref 3153899 22/08/2017 Land South of Garden Close Lane, Newbury
CD15.6 - Appeal Decision PINS Ref 3247977 10/02/2012 Land at Gate Farm, Hartley Road, Cranbrook (Adobe pdf files) - Appeal Decision PINS Ref 3247977 10/02/2012 Land at Gate Farm, Hartley Road, Cranbrook
CD16.1 - IAQM Guidance 2019 (Adobe pdf files) - IAQM’s A guide to the assessment of air quality impacts on designated nature conservation sites April 2019
CD16.2 - IAQM Guidance 2020 (Adobe pdf files) - IAQM’s A guide to the assessment of air quality impacts on designated nature conservation sites May 2020