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  • Lottery Registration

    Under the Gambling Act 2005 societies that run small society lotteries (sweepstakes, draws or raffles) must be registered by the local authority for the area wh...

  • Apply For a Chaperone Licence

    A chaperone is responsible for the supervision of a child who is taking part in entertainment.

  • Apply to Renew a Chaperone Licence

    A chaperone is responsible for the supervision of a child who is taking part in entertainment.

  • Apply for a Child Performance Licence

    A licence is required for children of statutory school age and under, including babies, to take part in entertainment.

  • Register a Food Premises

    All food businesses which operate in the West Berkshire and Wokingham areas must register with Environmental Health

  • Apply For Street Collection Licence

    Persons or organisations collecting money or selling articles for the benefit of charitable purposes in any street or public place must have a permit from the c...

  • Apply for Grant, Renewal, or Transfer of Street Trading Consent

    A Street Trading Consent is required for all street trading activities such as hot food vehicles, ice cream vans and flower stalls.

  • Apply for a Skin Piercing Licence

    A person carrying on acupuncture, tattooing, ear-piercing, or electrolysis must be registered with the council

  • Register as a Scrap Metal Dealer

    All businesses that fall under the new definition of a 'scrap metal dealer' must have a licence from the council to operate.

  • Tell Us About A Private Fostering Arrangement

    To Notify West Berkshire Council of a Private Fostering Arrangement

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