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CD21.4 S288 Challenge - PINS - 1st Defendant - Summary Grounds 06.10.2023 (Adobe pdf files) COURT OF JUSTICE Claim number: AC-2023-LON-002758 KING’S BENCH DIVISION PLANNING COURT IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR PLANNING STATUTORY REVIEW UNDER ...
Primary preference history (Excel documents) history Applications received for schools in previous years allocations Community & Voluntary Controlled Infant and Primary Schools Schools 2006 prefer...
Primary allocation totals and percentage comparison (Excel documents) Reception allocation statistics The data is based on applications from West Berkshire residents that were received on time in the normal admissions roun...
Primary allocation history (Excel documents) ALLOCATION HISTORY Primary allocation history Primary allocation history
VA and Academy primary allocation history (Excel documents) AND ACADEMY PRIMARY ALLOCATION HISTORY VA and Academy primary allocation history VA and Academy primary allocation history
Junior allocation information (Documents) School Allocation Information This document provides the following information: Contacting the admissions team Reasons for not being offered your preferr...
Primary allocation information (Documents) School Allocation Information This document provides the following information: Contacting the admissions team Reasons for not being offered your prefer...
Junior applications 23 (Excel documents) Admission Round Information- This report shows the count of applications per criteria per Junior School. Calcot Junior School Home Local Authority Prefer...
Junior allocations (Excel documents) Admission Round Information - This report shows the count of allocations per criteria per Junior School. Calcot Junior School Home Local Authority Prefer...
Apply for a Community Recovery Grant for residential properties deadline for applications was 5pm on Friday 12 April 2024. Applications have now closed.